Wednesday 20 March 2013

Zizzi Princes Sq- First Sketches

'It may be said that his favourite employment within doors was with his drawing-board and square. And it was characteristic of him that in his later years, when his eyesight (he suffered from cataract) no longer allowed him to use pencil or pen in the ordinary way, he found a substitute in the use of white chalk upon dark blue paper.'

From the excerpt on Sir James Campbell above particularly I thought the image of his use of white chalk on blue paper was particularly strong.  This colour scheme also spoke to me of blueprints, tying in themes of shipbuilding, archectuural design/engineering, plans and therfore pattern cutting ( a reference to Sir Jame's clothing/draper's business that was located within Princes Square also)

I began combining imagery of the Princes Square building with elements from historical shipbuilding photographs.  The grid format creates interesting planes; playing with perspective and depth.

Though these initial drawings are blue against white the final work would be Whites and Pale Blues (and areas of blue) against Downpipe Grey with elements/lines remaining sketched looking

Sir James with set compasses

Refurbishment of Princes Square represented by Peacock being launched as a ship

Combined elements of shopping centre and Shipyards